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Fishing base "Prystan"

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Lvivska oblast, Zarubany, Ukraine
Fishing base "Prystan" is located in the village of Prystan, Chervonograd district. It is a great place for fishing, which attracts many lovers of this hobby. Located in an ecologically clean and picturesque area, the base is surrounded by a pine forest, creating an unrivaled atmosphere for relaxation and fishing enjoyment.

The total area of ​​ponds at the base is 30 hectares, which provides great opportunities for fishing. Clean and transparent waters of the lakes contribute to successful fishing. Anglers can enjoy paid fishing and an experienced team of specialists who provide the necessary assistance and advice.

Comfortable conditions for recreation have been created at the base. Picturesque lawns in the pine forest contain tables, barbecues and gazebos, where you can have a delicious meal and arrange a real fisherman's picnic. The evening time is illuminated, which allows you to continue fishing and recreation even after sunset.

Anglers and vacationers also have access to amenities that will help them spend their time comfortably at the base. Grills allow you to cook delicious barbecues, and electricity provides the ability to use audio equipment and boil water for tea and coffee. In addition, the base is supplied with ecologically clean water from a well, which guarantees its quality and freshness.

For a comfortable stay at the base, there are houses with rooms designed for 2, 3 or 4 people. There are 19 beds in total at the base. There are also special places to set up tents if there are plans to enjoy fishing under the open sky.

"Prystan" is a place where every angler will find pleasure in the wonderful nature, clean lakes and excellent fishing. Here, all guests will have an unforgettable experience of their favorite hobby.

We invite you to the Fishing Base "Prystan"!
Conveniences here
Types of fish
Grass carp
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