Логотип Yazz

Lake Katlov #04

Немає відгуків
Середньочеський край, Červené Janovice, Чехія
Lake Katlov fishing rules
By entering the site visitor agrees with these regulations:
Fishing permit can be purchased from the caretaker by the entrance. The permit can be purchased for one person or it is possible rent the whole lake for group of persons who prefer privacy. Person fishing on Katlov lake does not have to be a Fishing licence holder
it is permited to catch on three rods each with single rig with one siple hook. Hooks Long Shank is forbidden!
the rig must be straight non fixed so when the fish breaks the lead slides out of the line. Feeders amethodmixes are permited, but must be atached on a straight non fixed rig. The minimal strenght of line is 0,30 mm. If the shock line is used, it must be the maximum strenght of 0,60 mm
whilst carp fishing on Lake Katlov, back leads are to be used at all times. Please only use Captive or free running back leads .
it is mandatory to use pean forceps
the only bait tipes alowed are boilies, pelets, corn and synthetic baits imitating theese baits
as a feeding it is permited to use: boilies, pellets, boiled particles and method mix
it is permited to place rig, feed and fight the fish from a boat
marking the fishing spot is alowed only by the stick buoy
always treat your catch with maximum care. For unhooking always use wet unhooking mat. Pour the fish by water all the time. All possible wounds must be tent by disinfectant. Treat fish with maximum care when you return it to the water
leave your unhooking mat, weighting sack and landing net at home, we gladly lend you our equipment. We try to give our fish maximal care and by this arrangement we try to prevent to spread of any possible diseases, witch could be threat for our fish. Thank you for your understanding
if you taking photos of your catch always kneel and hold the fish over the mat or you can hold the fish standing in the water. Allways take the photos of your fish immediately after catching, the photograph session can not be longer than 5 minutes. The carps heavier than 15 kg can be photographed only in the water. Please bring your own waders or you can rent it from us. Thank you for your understanding, we are just protecting good health of our fishes
it is prohibited: to use braided lines as a shock leader, to use lead lines, to hold fish in a keepnet or sack, to use feeders made of wire, helicopter rig and hard rig. It is prohibited to feed by non boiled particles, legume, beans, milk prodicts, blood and live baits,
it is permited to stay in bivvy on the bank of the lake. If you want to stay with a dog, it is necessary to inform the caretaker before your arrival
it is impossible to go to any spot by car so be prepared to transport by boat. We shall borrow you our NOE boat,
there are raptor fish in the lake. It is strictly prohibited to catch them by any method
if you are going to leave your fishing place, dont leave your rods in the water. Everyone catches on maximum of three rods.
We wish you to enjoy your stay at banks of our beautiful lake and may you bring great experiences which you will remember for a long time.
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10.09.2024, 12:00 - 14:00
€ 156
/ 3 дн. 2 год
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